A fantastic day for sightings across the harbour, with a number of highlights. The Studland peninsula was well recorded, with Middle Beach featuring 2 Great Northern Diver, 4 Common Scoter and 1 Black-necked Grebe. In Shell Bay, 3 Great Northern Diver, and a Red-throated Diver were seen. From Jerry’s Point, the 4 Scaup continued to be present, as well as 3 Great Northern Diver, 8 Black-necked Grebe, 1 Common Scoter, 5 Goldeneye, 45 Red-breasted Merganser, and 1 Razorbill and 3 Long-tailed Duck seen off the SW shore of Brownsea Island. A further 2 Great Northern Diver were reported in Brands Bay, along with a Black Brant present amongst the Dark-bellied Brent Geese, 3 Sandwich Tern and 6+ Goldeneye.
Elsewhere in the harbour, Holes Bay produced 65 Avocet, 250+ Black-tailed Godwit, 40+ Curlew and a Goldeneye. A total of 77 Greylag Geese were counted on Arne Moors. A nice record of an egret roost flying east over Lytchett Bay this afternoon featured 20 Little Egret and 1 Cattle Egret. The lone Purple Sandpiper was reported again today on the groyne in front of the Sandbanks Pavillion.
We will be hosting another Pop-Up event at Knoll Beach, Studland in partnership with National Trust on Tuesday 22nd, our last event before Christmas, 11am-3pm. You can find out more on our news page here.
Red-breasted Merganser – Jerry’s Point – Garry Hayman
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