
Harbour Update – posted 18/05/18

With spring now leading into summer and migration now tailing off (not that its really got started this year) the drive is just to be out and to enjoy Poole Harbour’s spectacular scenery and diversity. There are still plenty of good birds to see and a visit to any of our local heathlands at dusk will reward you with ‘churring’ Nightjar and up until the end of May calling Cuckoo still too. Common and Sandwich Terns are now well established on some of their islands on Brownsea, most of which are now on eggs. There has also been a call out from the BTO asking for House Martin sightings over the coming weeks. There’s been a big decline in the number of House Martin reported this year, along with several other summer migrants and the  RSPB and BTO are asking for information on any House Martin that are now settled and breeding at traditional or new sites. For mor information or if you see or know of any within our Poole Harbour recording area (or beyond) then please report them HERE.

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