
Harbour Update – posted 13/10/21

The first wave of Redwings appeared this morning with several flurry’s over various areas. There were big movements much further north, but this is typical for us southern late comers, with the bulk of thrush passage not occurring until a bit later in October. Regardless, several hundred were logged across the harbour and it won’t be long until several thousand pulse across the night sky as they’re joined by Song Thrush, Blackbird, then Fieldfare, occasional Ring Ouzel and Skylark. Yesterdays Pectoral Sandpiper was seen again on Lytchett Fields but wasn’t around for very long. On Shipstal, Arne 55 Spoonbill were counted and in Middlebere there were 3 Great White Egret. Up on Ballard there were still 20-30 Stonechat, several passage Skylark, a few Linnet and Goldfinch on the move and 1 Black-necked Grebe off Jerry’s Point.

We’ve also just published a full OSPREY SEASON 2021 REVIEW which covers everything thats happened this year and talks about what we’ve possibly/hopefully got to look forward to next year. To complement the write up we’ve made this video too which covers in detail the step by step story of the 2021 Osprey season….Enjoy!

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