
Harbour Update – posted 07/05/22

With Night Heron having been logged in the harbour in two consecutive years (2020 and 2021) on almost exactly the same date in early May, we’ve placed several recorders out in areas with suitable habitat to see if we can find/log any Night Heron calls during the last couple of weeks. Yesterday we collected in the memory card from a recorder placed at Swineham and began analysing some files. We haven’t found Night Heron yet but have had several nice finds and have provided some examples below. firstly a Wood Sandpiper over the gravel pit on May 1st at around 9:30pm, also a pair of Common Sandpiper passing right over the microphone. Also logged so far has been a few Whimbrel, 2 Little Ringed Plover, 1 Greenshank, Barn Owl, Tawny Owl, displaying Common Redshank and distant displaying Lapwing, a few Water Rail calls and a really annoying Sedge Warbler that decided to set up a territory right next to the mic, and sing all through the night! That said, we’ve purposely set the recorders to record the dawn chorus at each site too, and we’ve included a lovely five minute segment from early morning on May 2nd which comprises of mainly Reed Warbler, Sedge Warbler and Cuckoo.

Talking of Reed Warbler, Holes Bay logged no less than 16 around the edges of the bay today. From the mouth of the Frome White-tailed Eagle G801 was seen flying around Keysworth, there were also 3 Marsh Harrier logged, and 1 Hobby over and 4 Cattle Egret were in the Frome Valley again. Below is a photo taken from one of our Spring Safari’s a few weeks ago, showing the plumage detail that the Cattle Egret are currently, which is just stunning.

Cattle Egret – Lower Frome Valley – Steve Laycock

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