Well, we’re sad to say that with the wind building today, it was enough to really get the Wareham Forest fire going again and by 5pm this evening 150 Fire Fighters were back on site trying to tackle the blaze. The fire service investigation announced today that the cause of the fire was due to a disposed of BBQ or left bonfire. And now with the fire raging again it looks as if more habitat and wildlife will be destroyed. It’s estimated that it will take roughly 30 years for the heathland to fully restore, and although heathland burning can have a positive impact, it’s all about scale and control, and in no instance would you ever want such a huge area (currently c200ha) lost in one go, in one area. So, with the Bank Holiday upon us, we urge everyone to refrain from having BBQ’s in sensitive areas, especially when it hasn’t rained for weeks and the ground is tinder dry.
The wind kept the birding low key today, but Swifts were loving the SW blast, with c50 over Swineham at lunchtime. At Lytchett Bay, 2 summer-plum Sanderling were on the rising tide and 8 were present on Shell Beach yesterday. Hobby were over Ridge, Hydes Heath and Slepe Heath.
Common Lizard on burnt tree stump – Wareham Forest – Terry Bagley
So cold! Mid-week was delightful with even a hint of spring warmth, but today was proper chilly. Cold…
Find out moreAnother beautiful February day, although the slight NE wind added an edgy chill. There was both a male…
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