Sadly, the Bee-eaters didn’t visit us in the harbour as they moved on with their migration, hopefully it won’t be long before they visit us again.
Easterly winds have continued today with some Northerly gusts creeping with a high of 15°C. Brownsea Lagoon is seeing high numbers of Shelduck and Oystercatcher with c100 and c80 respectively. These have been joined by numerous other waders including c40 Black-tailed Godwit, c25 Dunlin, 2 Gadwall, 2 Greenshank and the resident 2 Spoonbill and 5 Avocet. Over on the Tern breeding colony we are still seeing high numbers of Common Tern and Sandwich Tern building nests and incubating eggs, but no chicks yet for a few weeks yet.
Lytchett Bay accommodated 15 Black-tailed Godwit, 3 Ringed Plover and a Redshank and Baiter Park saw Little Egret, Common Tern and Sandwich Tern, Turnstone, Oystercatcher, Mediterranean Gull and notably a Garden Warbler! A Common Crane few over Middlebere, coming in from the NW and heading South over to the Purbecks. 2 Red kite were spotted at Wareham Forest.
Spring seems to be creeping along with more displaying and nest building birds today, including multiple Raven pairs/territories…
Find out moreAlthough you couldn’t see further than 100m for much of the day, there were birds to be found…
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