
Wednesday 5th June

The next ‘Birds of Poole Harbour’ field trip will be at the fabulous Arne RSPB reserve look at the myserious Nightjar. Follow this link to find out how to book on to this FREE event…

Wednesday 5th – Yet another blissful day of hot sun and gentle breezes. More and more young birds are emerging with Stonechat broods becoming a common site on all the local heathlands.  Highlights included…

A male Redstart was seen down near the Shipstal Hide at Arne. On Brownsea the Roseate Tern remained along with a handful of passage Sanderling. At Swineham a passing Marsh Harrier drifted over the reedbed, where Reed Warbler, Reed Bunting and a pair of Sedge Warbler all seem to be doing well. Nightjar are really active at the moment most heathland sites with some great views on the RSPB’s Nightjar walk at Arne last night. At Middlebere 2 possible Green Sandpiper were seen near the NT hide and a Grey Plover was at Lytchett Bay. There is still some passage in evidence with Swift and small parties of Swallow passing through. 

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