
Stilts Stay – 13/04/14

No surprise that most sightings came from the Swineham area today where the two Black-winged Stilt remained giving great views to the many birders that visited today. Firstly, if visiting tomorrow please stick to the public footpaths and don’t trespass onto the fields where the birds are as its all-private land.  They stayed pretty stationary all day despite a couple of fly abouts before landing back on the their favoured pools, and they were even photographed mating early this morning! Click HERE to watch a short video of one of the Stilts at Swineham today. Also in the Swineham area 2 Little Gull were on the main GP, 3 Marsh Harrier were in the area, 4 Reed Warbler and 1 Sedge Warbler, 1 Cuckoo, 100+ Swallow, 1 Pochard, 4 Shoveler, 10+ Cetti’s Warbler and a Peregrine

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