
Ringed Plover Return – posted 22/11/13

You don’t necessarily have to travel to the back of beyond to experience good birds and good wildlife in Poole Harbour. Areas like Holes Bay and Baiter can be real hotspots during the cold winter months, often being able to park or walk just meters before you witness some excellent birds.  At Baiter this morning the winter flock of Ringed Plover were feeding along the low tide line with 23 in total along with 11 Turnstone and 2 Dunlin. These birds are often feeding just meters from the cycle path providing excellent views with the naked eye, and even better views with some binoculars. Ringed Plover are an uncommon winter visitor each winter with totals barely reaching over 100.

In Lytchett Bay 15 Spoonbill were feeding in the entrance channel, and there were excellent totals of the regular low tide species with just over 100 Curlew, 40 Avocet, 150+ Dunlin, 150+ Redshank, 190 Lapwing and 200+ each of Wigeon and Teal. Holes Bay hosted 7 Spoonbill yesterday afternoon along with 7 Avocet and 149 Dunlin and 27 Spoonbill this afternoon. 


Spoonbill – Lytchett Bay, Shaun Robson

The Surf Scoter is still out in Brands Bay, also there good numbers of Pintail, Goldeneye, Great Crested Grebe, Red-breasted Merganser, Curlew, Turnstone and Little Egret. At Shore road 13 Sanderling were feeding near the sea wall along with a few Bar-tailed Godwit. At Middlebere the ringtail Hen Harrier put in an appearance and a Kingfisher was dipping into the pool in front of the NT hide.

Click HERE for some film footage of a Turnstone on Baiter Beach this morning 

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