

Just to let you all know that we will be changing our Birds of Poole Harbour email address with immediate effect to…

Highlights from today included still 5 Little Ringed Plover at RSPB Lytchett Fields along with 1 Marsh Harrier, 1 Whimbrel, 30 Black-tailed Godwit, 2 Dunlin, 15 Whitethroat, 1 Lesser Whitethroat, 1 Garden Warbler, 2 Willow Warbler, 2 Wheatear, 1 Reed Warbler and numerous Blackcap. At Swineham there was Black Redstart (rare here), 1 Swift, 400 Sand Martin, 35 Swallow, 1 Greenshank, 1 Whimbrel over, 4 Reed Warbler ,  1 Sedge Warbler 1 and 1 Willow Warbler


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