rain and heavy low cloud Saturday. That said, the rest of the county saw a good fall of migrants yesterday which we sadly couldn’t replicate anywhere. Highlights from the last few days have included an exciting moment when someone spotted an Osprey high over Ridge and Swineham whilst CJ7 was on the nest cam. Then, after about 5 minutes CJ7 left and the observer saw the two birds interact for a short while which must have been an exciting moment. However, the encounter was short lived as CJ7 soon returned back to the nest cam and the ‘visitor’ carried on up the Wareham Channel to Lytchett Bay and soon disappeared off north. Again, its good to see these younger Osprey beginning to come through now meaning LS7 (or other available males) may not be too far behind.
Also, yesterday afternoon saw 4 Cattle Egret head up the Frome Valley. Cuckoo’s have been very vocal at sites like Swineham, Bestwall, Slepe Heath and Hartland. Also at Swineham were 14 singing Cetti’s Warbler,15 Reed Bunting, 16 Reed Warbler, 2 Sedge Warbler and 2 Lapwing. At Hamworthy Beach there were signs of passage too with 1 summer plumaged Dunlin and 29 Turnstone. There was a Red Kite over Bourne Valley nature reserve and 2 over a house in Sandford. The Wareham Channel was stuffed with Med Gulls with many calling over Upton and Lytchett Minster as the passed over peoples house on their way in land. Swallows continued to pulse through for a lot of the day. There were 12 Common Tern on the Browsnea Lagoon and 2 late Wigeon too. A resident at Fleetsbridge had 4 Common Whitethroat outside their house along with a Willow Warbler and Blackcap. At Alum Chine a Marsh Harrier drifted over a birders flat and yesterday an Osprey was over another residents house in Poole Town (home birding can be great). Around Baiter yesterday there were 2 Willow Warbler, 2 Blackcap, several House Martin and a Sparrowhawk. Yesterday was a Swallow day with several hundred having passed high over the harbour during the course of the day. At Morden Bog there were 5 Wheatear, 2 Woodlark, 2 Cuckoo, several Stonechat and Linnet and good numbers of Skylark in surrounding fields. The first Swifts of the season were over Swineham briefly, with more on the way soon hopefully. A migrant Marsh Harrier lifted out of Swineham on Friday but hasn’t been seen since. Whimbrel are coming through in decent numbers now with small flocks logged at Lytchett Bay, Holes Bay, Swineham and several flocks sound recorded migrating at night.
Sparrowhawk in Lytchett Minster Garden
So cold! Mid-week was delightful with even a hint of spring warmth, but today was proper chilly. Cold…
Find out moreAnother beautiful February day, although the slight NE wind added an edgy chill. There was both a male…
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