As the year draws to an end we look back at another incredible year for our charity, which now seems to have come on such a long way from the simple beginnings back in 2012. Our environment needs us more than ever, and our New Years resolution is to tackle as much as we can head on, but in the most positive and effective manner possible, with the aim of making things better for both birds and people right across the harbour working with other NGO’s, landowners, farmers, councils and the public. So, here’s wishing you all a very HAPPY NEW YEAR and lets make 2019 a flipping good one.
To see us out, there were no last minute surprises today but a nice selection of species that have kept us entertained during the latter part of the year. The Black Redstart that was along Elms Avenue, Whitecliff was seen again along Pearce Avenue. The drake Mandarin was on the small pond at Poole Park with several Goldeneye and Merganser on the main lake. and off Middle Beach, Studland there were 17 Black-necked Grebe. Along Holme Lane 10 Cattle Egret were in fields on the opposite side of Hog Lane and from Baiter Beach there were 3 Sandwich Tern, 1 Great Northern Diver, 11 Goldeneye, 11 Great Crested Grebe and 52 Red-breasted Merganser. In Brands Bay a pale-belled Brent Goose was with the dark-bellied Brent flock and there were 95 Grey Plover. The juvenile White-fronted Goose was still in fields behind Curlews cottage, Swineham and 2 different Hen Harrier were seen heading towards Middlebere late afternoon.
So cold! Mid-week was delightful with even a hint of spring warmth, but today was proper chilly. Cold…
Find out moreAnother beautiful February day, although the slight NE wind added an edgy chill. There was both a male…
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