An intensive watch of the Brownsea Lagoon over the course of the day produced 18 Spoonbill, 4 Knot, 1 juvenile Curlew Sandpiper, 27 Ringed Plover, 6 Sanderling and 34 Avocet. Numbers of many birds on the lagoon are building very slowly currently, we just hope that through Septembers numbers begin to swell. For example there are currently no juvenile Black-tailed Godwit back using the lagoon yet which for late August is a bit odd. An un-ringed Osprey was seen leaving on migration from Brands Bay mid-morning, heading SE out of the harbour and across Poole Bay with 66 Teal, 3 Greenshank, 4 Bar-tailed Godwit, 2 Whimbrel and 133 Curlew also in Brands Bay. The Purple Heron still remains at Littlesea and was seen during the day today. Ospreys were again conspicuous with several sightings from around the harbour including a newly arrived fresh juvenile seen over Swineham and 3 seen over Lytchett Bay late afternoon. At Sunnyside Farm there were 3 Redstart, 2 Whinchat, 2 Spotted Flycatcher and a Greenshank on the new scrape. In Middlebere there were 150 Black-tailed Godwit, 11 Avocet, 1 Grey Plover and an 4+ Osprey seen. You know autumn has really landed when the first Wigeon begin returning back and today saw the first of this autumn in Holes Bay.
Migrant juvenile Osprey – Swineham – Peter Moore
Translocated juvenile Osprey 007 – Middlbere – Russell Brown
Another beautiful February day, although the slight NE wind added an edgy chill. There was both a male…
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