
Harbour Update – posted 31/01/22

One down, two to go! January is now officially over. We’re never wanting to wish our lives away, but already spring can’t come soon enough. Plus, with news yesterday that one of our translocated Ospreys, female 019, was seen in the Gambia again, for a second winter in a row then the thoughts and dreams of returning spring and summer migrants will soon become a reality.  February definitely heralds the start of change with wader and waterfowl numbers often dropping considerably by the end of February. We lose a third of our Avocet during February, half our Spoonbill, and generally a third of all our wildfowl. So, if there are species you still need on your winter year lists then February is the time to get them.

Today 2 Hen Harrier were logged, with an adult male clocked in the Wareham Channel and a ringtail in Middlebere. The Common Sandpiper was in the mouth of the PCW Drain at Holes Bay, a Great White Egret was at Littlesea along with a Firecrest, a Spotted Redshank was in Holes Bay SW, in Middlebere there was another Great White Egret, 2 Spoonbill, 2 Spotted Redshank, 105 Avocet and 1 Marsh Harrier.

Finally, we have some numbers for you! The Big Poole Harbour Bird Count brings together the community to carry out an in-depth census of the birdlife in Poole Harbour, and we are excited to announce that the results are in! The Birds of Poole Harbour team would like to say a huge thank you to everyone that got involved on the big day. Thanks to you, we have generated another incredible harbour-wide dataset, providing a fascinating insight into Poole Harbour’s important wintering birdlife. Explore the results and comb through the data from the record-breaking big day on our interactive webpage.

Join us for a virtual presentation exploring the data and run through of the highlights from the big day delivered by Birds of Poole Harbour on Thursday 10th February, 7:30PM to 8:30PM. Gain a deeper understanding of some of our most charismatic species, hear about the species that have fluctuating populations locally, and discover which species put in an unexpected appearance during the count. Register to watch the talk by booking a free ticket below. As always, donations are welcomed and hugely appreciated.

We’re keen to make this a quarterly tradition, dedicating one day during each season throughout the year to monitoring the birds in and around Poole Harbour. Hot off the press, the next Big Poole Harbour Bird Count will take place on Sunday 17th April 2022 and you’re all invited to join in! Get the date in your diaries.

Poole translocated female Osprey 019, photographed yesterday in the Gunjar Quarry area of the Gambia – Joanna Dailey


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