
Harbour Update – posted 30/11/17

Spoonbill were scattered around the harbour this afternoon on the low tide with 7 in Lytchett Bay, which then headed to Holes Bay. There were 3 in Middlebere and 12 in the Wareham Channel. Also at Middlebere the Water Pipit was in front of the hide again along with a fly by ringtail Hen Harrier. In Holes Bay, with the Spoonbill were good numbers of Avocet again close to the cycle path. At Littlesea a Great White Egret was on the main lake and in Brands Bay there were 41 Pintail, 141 Shelduck and 10 Avocet with c30 Fieldfare in Holly Bushes before the hide. 

Spoonbills from Holes Bay NE cycle path – Ian Ballam

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