September certainly ended with a splash, but also ended with a goody as the Long-billed Dowitcher re-appeared on Lytchett Fields again today albeit distant, feeding near the islands at the back of French’s and Sherford Fields. It was joined by 1 Wood Sandpiper, 2 Curlew Sandpiper, good numbers of Redshank, Teal and 400+ Dunlin. Holes Bay north had 200+ Black-tailed Godwit, 27 Knot, 2 Pintail, 8 Shoveler and 180+ Wigeon. The/a Merlin was back on its favourite post on Hartland Moor this morning too.
We’ve also secured a new nocturnal recording location in Old Town Poole, thanks to Quay Living lettings, we’re now able to place one of our long-term deployment recorders on top of a 12 story block of flats over looking the harbour which we hope should produce excellent returns, especially when the winter thrush’s start arriving in a couple of weeks. We’ve just done two ‘tester’ nights recording and already logged the first several migrating Song Thrush of the autumn so the signs are looking good!
Kingfisher – PCW Drain
So cold! Mid-week was delightful with even a hint of spring warmth, but today was proper chilly. Cold…
Find out moreAnother beautiful February day, although the slight NE wind added an edgy chill. There was both a male…
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