
Harbour Update – posted 29/10/15

Ergh! A wet, rainy day that didn’t produce very much…at all! Highlights were a minimum of 5 Brambling outside the Arne visitors center again and 2 Firecrest elsewhere in the car park. 31 Spoonbill were on Brownsea and a ringtail Hen Harrier was seen briefly in Middlebere with another (or the same) seen out over Slepe Heath with a late Hobby.

Saturday 31st October – Arne Forage Festival at Arne RSPB Reserve

Our Birds of Poole Harbour charity will be there discussing our work and we’ll also hosting a ringing demo in partnership with the Stour Ringing Group from 10am to 2pm. Our marquee is the first on the left as you enter the field.

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