
Harbour Update – posted 29/04/17

Today started off still and overcast but a chilly wind picked up as our monthly field trip headed out up to Challow Hill and along towards Nine Barrow Down. The focus was to listen to and find spring migrants which eventually gave themselves up. Along the Challow Hill path there were 6-7 Common Whitethroat territories we also had 1 Yellow Wagtail overhead, 1 Wheatear, 1 Whinchat, several Blackcap, Chiffchaff and Yellowhammer, also Kestrel, Stonechat, Swallow, Raven and Buzzard. At Lytchett Fields the sites first Lesser Whitethroat was singing with 3 Whimbrel, 1 Ruff, 100+ Black-tailed Godwit, 1 Bar-tailed Godwit, 2 Greenshank, 9 Ringed Plover, 2 Dunlin and a summer plumaged Knot all on the fields. At Arne an Osprey was reported flying and fishing in the mouth of Middlebere and there were 5 Yellow Wagtail in the Arne farm fields and the Redstart was still singing near Shipstal. 

Our Group above Corfe Castle – Barbara Bisset

Whinchat above Corfe Castle – Pauline Miller

Yellowhammer above Corfe Castle – Pauline Miller

Wheatear above Corfe Castle – Pauline Miller

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