
Harbour Update – posted 28/12/14

Today was the Poole Harbour wetland bird survey and some big numbers of wetland species were reported. Off Arne it seems there could have been around 1000 Avocet stretched along the Middlebere, Wytch Lake, Fitzworth area although they were fairly mobile so a bit of double counting may have occurred. Spoonbill were feeding off Arne, Green Island and in Holes Bay. Species such as Wigeon, Teal, Dunlin, Pintail and Shelduck all seemed to have increased quite a bit. There were 119 Bar-tailed Godwit and 41 Sanderling at Shore Road, Sandbanks. Hen Harriers were seen at Middlebere and Swineham and the usual 8+ Marsh Harrier were around the Wareham Channel.  On the north shore of Brownsea 2 Spotted Redshank and a Common Sandpiper were counted. In the evening grebe roost in Studland Bay 22 Black-necked Grebe were recorded and 11 Common Scoter were also present. The cold weather has attracted more duck to Swineham GP including 102 Gadwall, 57 Shoveler, 8 Pochard and big numbers of Greylag and Canada Geese. Down off Poole Quay 12 Ringed Plover were present and 2 Sandwich Tern.

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