
Harbour Update – posted 28/11/22

A decent day with some decent birds! This morning there were 7 Goosander on the water in Shell Bay before heading off into the harbour. There were also 3 Eider which were logged yesterday out in central harbour and then seen again round the back of Brownsea. On Brownsea 28 Spoonbill were roosting during the high tide. A Great White Egret was in the Lower Piddle Valley with 3 logged there yesterday. For a second day in a row Avocet were out feeding on French’s Fields at Lytchett Fields and there were 288 Dunlin and a Grey Plover. A late Swallow flew over Stoborough and at Baiter there were 122 Brent Geese. On Holme lane Gravel Pit a single Pochard was in amongst 21 Gadwall, 11 Wigeon and 14 Tufted Duck.

Eider Ducks – Central Harbour – Don Williams

Wood Duck – Creekmoor Ponds – John Newman

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