
Harbour Update – posted 28/09/14

Incredible news today in that there was a new Great White Egret at Littlesea, Studland, meaning that there are now two birds choosing to roost in the Little Egret colony on a high tide. Both were seen together this morning, but weren’t seen again for the rest of the day, however chances are that they’ll hopefully be back again tomorrow… maybe even choosing to over-winter? We’ll have to wait and see. I mentioned Jays yesterday, well this morning I had a loose group of 21 high over my house in Lytchett Matravers in the space of a few minuets. Firstly a flock of 4, then 11, then 3 and then 3 again. On your way to work tomorrow, before you get in the car, just take a minute to look up and see if any are flying over your house. A Hobby was hunting over Arne Moors in amongst many, many hundreds of Swallow and House Martin

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