
Harbour Update – posted 28/04/16

Yesterdays Osprey was again seen in Middlebere in the usual dead trees, where there was also 3 Little Tern and a summer plumaged Grey Plover. At Lytchett Fields there was a single Lesser Whitethroat, 2 Common Whitethroat, 1 Wheatear and the sites first Swift of the year, also 18+ Whimbrel over the bay where 4 Whimbrel were feeding with 2 Spotted Redshank, 2 Greenshank and 160+ Black-tailed Godwit. There was Cuckoo at Arne early morning. Up on Hartland a small flock of 8 Wheatear were on the fields. 

Wheatear – Hartland Fields – Paul Morton

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