
Harbour Update – posted 27/11/16

We’ve been focusing a lot of time and effort into Woodcock monitoring this autumn/winter with good numbers back now. Tonight was our most productive night of the season so far with a minimum of 30 seen in a particular area along the southern shores of the harbour, near Hartland Moor, with 11 new birds ringed a re-trap from 2014, re-caught last night, again in exactly the same field from where it was first ringed. There was another Barnacle Goose arrival, this time a flock of 22 that flew in over Poole Bay, having passed Hengistbury, before they all pitched down on the main gravel pit at Swineham for a short period of time. Near the harbour entrance there were 2 Great Northern Diver between Goathorn and Redhorn, 11 Black-necked Grebe from Jerry’s Point along with 1 Slavonian Grebe, 3 Common Scoter, 12 Goldeneye, 1 Merlin and 6 Knot. At Lytchett Fields the Curlew Sandpiper and Lesser Yellowlegs remained. 

Barnacle Geese – Swineham GP – Peter Moore

Barnacle Geese – Swineham GP – Peter Moore

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