
Harbour Update – posted 27/06/21

The Melodious Warbler has continued to show on the Middlebere track opposite the Shepherd’s hut, last seen at 10:30 this morning. There has been very little Osprey activity today comparatively with the rest of the week, likely due to the poor weather. However, CJ7 and 022 put in a brief appearance on the nest at around 11:30 this morning and conducted some nest maintenance. Both adult Peregrines were reported hunkered down on the North side of the Poole Town Asda building this afternoon, with the 2 juveniles later reported to be feeding on the top of the building.

Yesterday saw this year’s Greylag Goose ringing in Poole Park. It was a successful session, with 37 individuals ringed, including 20 goslings and 17 adults, as well as 4 retrapped adults. The ringing project is being carried out under licence to monitor the dispersal and migratory movements of the geese. Please report any ringed Greylag sightings to help with the study (info to be sent to Thomas Weston).

CJ7 and 022 this morning

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