
Harbour Update – posted 27/03/23

Firstly, we’d like to thank everyone for their kind words of support over the last 24 hours, it’s been incredibly heart-warming. The full extent of what’s happened is still unclear, but internally we’re working on plans to start assessing the initial impacts by organising an emergency WeBS (Wetland bird Survey) count this coming Sunday. This will assess current bird totals, but will also identify where birds are spending their time and if any birds have been physically impacted by the spill. This will provide an initial baseline of the situation, one that we hope doesn’t highlight too many issues. Although we’ll just have to wait and see.

Back to the more positive news, it was actually a great day for birds across the harbour including no less than 4 different Osprey present. When male 022 and an un-ringed individual were on the nest cam, 2 others were present out in the Wareham Channel. At lytchett Fields the harbours first Willow Warbler of the spring was logged and there were 3 Little Ringed Plover on Lytchett Fields. Also at the fields were a summer plumaged Water Pipit, 1 Spotted Redshank, 1 Red Kite and 2 White-tailed Eagles. Swineham was decent too with the drake Garganey still on the Stilt Pool, a Willow Warbler was near Ridge Wharf boat yard, a Pochard was on the pit and there were 45 Sand Martin and 4 Swallow over the pit. Our male Osprey 022 half-heartedly tried to start nest building but was distracted by what looked like 2 different individuals landing on his nest over the course of the day. CJ7 had better hurry up! There were 3 Spoonbill on the Brownsea Lagoon and at the harbour entrance 3 Brambling passed over with another feeding below the feeders at Arne. In Shell Bay 3 Eider were still just off Pilots Point and a Goshawk flew through Middlebere.

Road testing the new ‘zooooooom’ function on our new Osprey Nest Cam.

Male Osprey 022 looking ready!

Two different un-ringed Osprey on the nest cam during the course of the day?

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