
Harbour Update – posted 27/02/16

They’re coming! A Little Ringed Plover was found up in the Midlands today providing us with a taste of things to come. Although not quite there yet, March tends to provide the first flurry of summer migrants with species such as Little Ringed Plover, Sand Martin, Ring Ouzel, Chiffchaff and Wheatear all appearing first before the next big wave of arrives throughout April. Certainly from mid-March onwards keep an eye out for all the species mentioned above in suitable habitats. Lytchett Fields will most likely host the first Little Ringed Plover, whilst places such as Greenland’s Farm, Hartland Moor, Holton Lee fields and the Holes Bay/Baiter shorelines could all see Wheatear over the coming 4 weeks. Chiffchaff can literally turn up anywhere, Sand Martins will arrive and start feeding over open bodies of fresh water such as Poole Park lakes and Swineham Gravel Pits, whilst the secretive Ring Ouzel may be found at places such as Hartland Stud, Challow Hill, Corfe or on the short open pasture along Soldiers Road. Basically…keep your eyes peeled everywhere as we’re now entering the beginning of the exciting spring migration season.

Sightings from today are a bit thin on the ground (all the more reason for spring to roll on) with just the 10 Water Pipit and a Merlin reported from Lytchett Fields. As the Avon Valley in the east is currently drying up we’ve seen an increase in Black-tailed Godwits arriving back onto the Brownsea Lagoon and a ringed Herring Gull (F-161) that was seen at Hamworthy Beach in the morning has been traced back to Flat Holm Island, Cardiff. It was ringed as a chick on the 5th July 2014.

Herring Gull – Hamworthy Beach – Paul Morton

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