
Harbour Update – posted 26/08/22

Lots of activity from the boat trips again today, with an interesting sighting of 8 Shoveler flying over the boat in from the South. 2 juvenile Spoonbill were present at the top of the Wareham Channel again, seen on both trips. There has been a constant stream of Osprey activity through out the day, with c.5-6 birds hunting between the Wareham and Middlebere Channels throughout the day. The young White-tailed Eagle has been soaring over Arne intermittently through the day, as well as 2 Hobby active over the Wareham Channel. At Lytchett Fields, 1 Spotted Redshank was present, as well 1 Redstart and the first flock of approximately 15 Yellow Wagtail putting in an appearance. A count at Holes Bay this afternoon produced 798 Black-tailed Godwit, 96 Redshank, 3 Common Gull, 18 Teal and a single Wigeon.

Shoveler – Wareham Channel – Mark Wright




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