
Harbour Update – posted 26/04/22

Another stunning spring day with the great news that we’re pretty sure that at around 11:40 female Osprey CJ7 laid her second egg. Her behaviour and body movement indicated she was going through the motions before she then settled and started incubating again. This is fantastic and leaves plenty of time to potentially see another one be laid later in the week. A clutch of three is common, but ones and twos are frequent too. We’re obviously now in it for the long haul, waiting until we see signs of life from within the nest, but until then, lets see how well 022 and CJ7 take their incubation duties. Another Osprey (possibly 022) was seen with a fish over Lytchett Fields at 8:30am. The Garganey pair was also still on Lytchett Fields this morning. Female White-tailed Eagle G318 was seen to leave the harbour over Keysworth before being seen over Morden too. In the Lower Frome Valley there were 5 Cattle Egret and 1 Great White Egret along with 2 singing Sedge Warbler and 3 Reed Warbler. Last night 3 Spoonbill flew low over Swineham GP heading north and today another was on the Brownsea Lagoon. There was a Red Kite over Lytchett Heath along with 2 Peregrine. 

Garganey pair – Lytchett Fields – Ian Ballam

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