It was nice to get a feel of spring today, but more of that in a minute. Holes Bay was stacked today with c1500 Wigeon again which is close, but not quite a site record for this part of the harbour (1818 in Nov last year). Also in Holes Bay were 107 Avocet, c600 Black-tailed Godwit, c200 Dunlin and c100 Redshank. In the PCW Drain 5 Common Chiffchaff were feeding and a Cetti’s Warbler was singing. A late Swallow was over the Lower Piddle Valley and Red Kites seemed to be moving with 3 over Brands Bay and 1 over Holton Lee. In the Wareham Channel there were 4 Marsh Harrier and a ringtail Hen Harrier was seen.
However, the warmth today came from a lovely surprise when some of the Sound Approach team (some who conveniently live in Poole) were analysing some old noc-mig data from May last year, only to discover the calls of a Night Heron flying right over Poole Town centre. Mark Constantine and Magnus Robb were listening to some of Marks recordings when a series of the distinctive calls were noted from a warm, balmy early morning recording session on May 2nd 2020. At the time it was only the 3rd Poole Harbour record, so is an incredibly notable recording. It also highlights when we should be looking and listening for more Night Heron with this bird being logged on May 2nd 2020, and one being seen in the Piddle Valley this year on May 3rd. Early May is the time it seems.
Black-tailed Godwit – Holes Bay – Martin Adams
Black-tailed Godwit – Holes Bay – Martin Adams
Wigeon – Holes Bay – Martin Adams
Spring seems to be creeping along with more displaying and nest building birds today, including multiple Raven pairs/territories…
Find out moreAlthough you couldn’t see further than 100m for much of the day, there were birds to be found…
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