
Harbour Update – posted 25/05/23

Only a handful of sightings today, despite the decent weather… Monitoring reports from the Peregrine nest on the old Barclays building in Poole showed the first evidence that there are at least two chicks within the nest. We expect it will be around a month until the young show signs of fledging, and hopefully soon it will be confirmed whether there is a third chick present. Today also marks 34 days since the first Osprey egg was laid on the Carey nest, which means hatching could begin from this weekend. Incubation typically lasts 36-40 days, making Saturday the start of the hatching window.

Additional to yesterday’s sightings, the two Eider (female and immature male) were present again in Shell bay, roosting on a rock not far from the beach.

Eider – Shell Bay – Seb Haggett

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