Wader totals increased again today with 44 Ringed Plover on Lytchett Fields along with 24 Dunlin, 4 Greenshank, 242 Black-tailed Godwit and 4 Redshank. On the Brownsea Lagoon 26 Sanderling were now present with c50 Dunlin and 8 Grey Plover again. A Marsh Harrier drifted over the west of the harbour near Swineham and a Red Kite drifted over Lytchett Minster. At Sunnyside a late Wheatear was present as was a Sedge Warbler and a Reed Warbler was singing in the Arne overflow car park suggesting some passerine passage had also taken place today. There were also 2 Cuckoo at Middlebere.
Reed Warbler – Swineham – Keith Rawling
Reed Bunting – Swineham – Keith Rawling
Cuckoo – Middlebere – Keith Rawling
The sun finally appeared this afternoon making for an almost summer-like sunset this evening which was stunning to…
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