
Harbour Update – posted 24/09/21

Another stunner of a day, such a shame it won’t last into next week, but some unsettled weather isn’t necessarily a bad thing as it could drop some North American waders our way. Today we made the most of the sunshine with our first Bearded Tit ringing demo at Lytchett Heath. A successful session with c10 Bearded Tit caught, along with a Treecreeper, several Chiffchaff, Blackcap, Willow Warbler, Sedge Warbler, Reed Warbler, Cetti’s Warbler and a couple of Blue Tit. A sub-adult Marsh Harrier was quartering Lytchett Bay and was later seen at Arne. A Hobby was over Slepe Heath. There was also a great record of a Great White Egret in Holes Bay too.

Ringing demo group – Brittany Maxted

Treecreeper – Brittany Maxted

Bearded Tit – Alex King

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