With the wind easing it seemed things were a bit better over at Wareham Forest though 150 Fire Fighter remained on the scene. Incredibly though, a reptile search out on Hartland Moor yesterday morning found two newly used disposable BBQ’s right on the edge of Hartland Moor, in amongst the brittle dry gorse and heather. It really does beggars belief that some people haven’t taken note or understood the serious of the situation and carry on regardless. It was a true case of beauty and brainlessness, as not 30m away from the BBQ’s a stunning male Nightjar was found perching on a log which allowed for some wonderful photos as it sat motionless only 1m away from the finder. Another lovely scene was the interaction between 2 Roseate Terns on the Brownsea Lagoon which we were able to STREAM LIVE on our Lagoon webcam. Roseate Terns are one of the UK’s rarest breeding sea birds and don’t usually breed in Dorset, but in 2009 one pair successfully raised chicks on the lagoon which was fantastic. Roseate Terns drop in and use the lagoon each spring whilst on migration, and we have actually had them on our cameras before but not since 2014 so it was great to have some back today that the public could enjoy whilst Brownsea is closed. A White Stork was seen further up the Frome Valley at Wool and 2 Hobby were active over Bog Lane. And finally 4 Crossbill went over Meyrick Park Golf Club.
Roseate Tern – Brownsea Lagoon webcam
Newly used disposable BBQ’s found on Hartland Moor today
Another beautiful February day, although the slight NE wind added an edgy chill. There was both a male…
Find out moreWhat a day to be out and around the harbour, where ever you decided to go. A very…
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