
Harbour Update – posted 24/03/16

The harbours first Osprey of the spring drifted over Middlebere around 4pm before dropping down into the harbour area somewhere. Will it stick around? Who knows but hopefully it’s the first of several. Out on Lytchett Fields there were 3 Greenshank and 1 Spotted Redshank with singles of Marsh Harrier, Water Pipit, Swallow and Sand Martin with another 2 Swallow dashing through Strete in Poole and 4 more over Hartland. There was reports of a fall of Chiffchaff around the Studland area mid afternoon, prior to the wind and rain kicking in. Night recording from our listening station from Old Town Poole produced 159 Redwing calls, 4 Song Thrush calls, 1 Fieldfare and a Chaffinch.

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