
Harbour Update – posted 23/10/21

October is fizzling out fast and we’re yet to see any big thrush passages yet other than a bout two weeks ago when the first (small) rush pushed through. No Redwing, Fieldfare or Song thrush were logged on our Ballard walk this AM but and stunning adult male Ring Ouzel dropped out of the sky next to our group. Also up around Ballard were c25 Stonechat, 5 Skylark, small passages of c100 Linnet, 5+ Rock Pipit and out in Studland Bay there were 5 Black-necked Grebe, 7 Common Scoter and 3 Razorbill along with 7 Shag. There were also 2 active Peregrine up over Ballard and 13 latish Swallow. Bird of the day was a Hoopoe discovered in the allotments along Slough Lane at Lytchett Bay. Also at Lytchett Fields a new Water Pipit was colour ringed with the code ‘4k’ so please keep an eye out if visiting the site over the coming months. Also a new scheme has started to colour ring Rock Pipit in the harbour and the first was ringed today with the code ‘AA’, so also another series of birds to take note of and report if seen. There were 2 Great White Egret at Little Sea, Studland and the Scaup was still off Jerry’s Point. On Brownsea there were only 40 Spoonbill today and also a late Common Sandpiper. Out in the Wareham Channel a new Hen Harrier was working with a new Merlin to hunt out Meadow Pipit whilst a second Merlin was on Hartland. There are also up to 6 Marsh Harrier still preset in the west harbour area.

Hoopoe – Lytchett Bay – Ian Ballam

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