
Harbour Update – posted 23/06/21

The 1st newly fledged juvenile Black-headed Gull of the summer was on Lytchett Fields this morning which is interesting because there are still quite a number of newly hatched/young gulls on the gull islands. The age range between numerous juveniles of the same species is quite amazing, probably spanning over a month. There were also 3 Little Ringed Plover, 1 Ringed Plover, 1 Green Sandpiper and 1 Curlew.

There were more developments between male and female Osprey 022 and CJ7. With virtually no sharing of fish around a week ago, 022 gave CJ7 not one, but two fish today which is just fantastic. Both birds were on and off the nest cam quite a bit today, interacting and generally getting on!

It’s good to hear that several Yellowhammer are still singing along Challow Hill and at Ballard with 5 Common Whitethroat also logged in the area.

Yellowhammer – Ballard 



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