
Harbour Update – posted 23/04/24

Astonishing views of the White-tailed Eagle pair on our Spring Safari Cruise this morning. We had multiple flybys in the Wareham Channel as well as the female of the pair G466 diving into the water at one point and bringing out the skeleton of some sort of water bird!? It’s fantastic that this is becoming such a common sight in the local area and great to see how well they are fitting into this landscape. We also had stunning views of the Forster’s Tern on a yellow buoy off the Hamworthy shoreline. It then took off with 2 Sandwich Tern and headed towards Brownsea. 3 Whimbrel flew west into the Wareham Channel. On the Brownsea Lagoon there were c30 Sandwich Tern and c10 Common Tern as well as c30 Bar-tailed Godwit and 1 Avocet.

Elsewhere the 1 Bar-headed Goose turned up in Lytchett Bay this morning. 1 Whimbrel was in Holes Bay NE.


White-tailed Eagle G466 – Wareham Channel – Harry McBride

Forster’s Tern – off the Hamworthy Shoreline – Harry McBride

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