
Harbour Update – posted 22/12/22

Lytchett Fields was delivering the goods today, with an adult female Goshawk flying over Sherford Pools and landing in a tree on the Holton Lee shore this morning. Also present were two Spotted Redshank on the Pools Field and another round at the Rock Lea Viewpoint, where the other highlights were a colour-ringed Greenshank and a flyover Great White Egret. Elsewhere, a Ringtail Hen Harrier – presumably the same one as yesterday – was seen in the Middlebere Channel again this afternoon. And further down the creek visitors to the Arne Lookout were treated to views of two Spoonbill feeding in the water in front of the hide.

Avocet, Dunlin & Black-tailed Godwit – Brownsea Lagoon – BoPH Brodie Camera

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