Returning to today, Sunnyside Scrape received an uncommon visitor in the form of a Little Grebe. Brownsea Lagoon saw 2 Greenshank, 18 Curlew, 4 Brent Goose, 1 Green Woodpecker amongst numerous Avocet, Redshank, Black-tailed Godwit and Dunlin. A small flock of Shoveler spent the day shoveling but not wildfowl numbers on the lagoon today were relatively low. Holton Pools held Redshank, Greenshank, Stonechat as well as a Marsh Harrier making a welcome appearance. A total of 85 Brent Goose were feeding at Baiter Park and a Firecrest and Grey Wagtail frequented Norden sewage works, Corfe Castle. A notable flock of 65 Pintail frequented Shipstal, amongst numerous Curlew and 17 mobile Spoonbill. Great Northern Diver was close in at Baiter this morning and a pair of Goldeneye were close in at Parkstone Bay this morning.
Woodcock – Sunnyside Ringing Demo – Dorothy Widnall
Common Snipe – Sunnyside Ringing Demo – Dorothy Widnall
Great Northern Diver – Baiter – Ian Ballam
Goldeneye – Parkstone Bay – Ian Ballam
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