
Harbour Update – posted 22/11/17

Unsurprisingly there was little reported today as the wind and rain battered the harbour. As mentioned the other day, when things settle down, it will be well worth checking for species blown in to the harbour. The main harbour entrance and the open water body between the harbour mouth and Green Island would be good places to check, along with the North Channel off Whitley Lake, Sandbanks for the winters first Black-throated Diver? Today just the Hawfinch at Lytchett Fields was reported to us along with Spoonbills in Lytchett Bay and on Shipstal, 2 Great Northern Diver off Brownsea and 4 Sandwich Tern along Baiter. Despite the lack of reports for today, the harbour is currently full of birds, so when things perk up, get out and enjoy! 

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