
Harbour Update – posted 22/10/15

The arrival of more Short-eared Owls is perhaps an indicator of things to come weather wise with 3 in the harbour today. One was out across Arne Moors, another was seen to leave the marshy area of Littlesea, Studland at dusk and another spent the day at Lytchett Bay being spotted high over the bay at dawn and then hunting out across the marsh at dusk, even landing on our net poles just before dark while we were out ringing Pied Wagtail roosts. The ringtail Hen Harrier was over Slepe Heath and then went out across Arne Moors whilst both Peregrine and Marsh Harrier were settled on posts out on Hartland Moor when a Merlin dashed in between the two. At Lytchett Bay there was also a Marsh Harrier, 4 Skylark in the Arable Field and several Goldcrest and Chiffchaff. Another (or possibly the same) ringtail Hen Harrier was seen out across Greenlands Farm and a Great White Egret was on Littlesea whilst another was at Shipstal, Arne. A new Brambling was at the feeding station in the Arne car park and still a few Firecrest there too. 

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