
Harbour Update – posted 22/03/24

A cold, nippy spring day, starting of grey, but ending with a stunning sunset, and in fact a day that provided plenty of ‘odds and sods’ right across the area. Starting off with best bird of the day which came in the shape of an Alpine Swift that flew in over over Studland Heath and out towards Brands Bay, but unfortunately it couldn’t be relocated. The springs second Osprey of the season was fishing in Middlebere and off Shipstal and was photographed as it patrolled up and down the channel. Over Swineham GP c50 Sand Martin were feeding this evening, there were singles of Swallow over RSPB Hydes Heath and another over Ham Common viewpoint. Out on Wareham Common a Little Ringed Plover was flushed by a Peregrine and there were 18 Cattle Egret and 2 Mandarin Duck. There was a Wheatear at Baiter, 3 at Holes Bay and 3 at Greenlands Farm. The White-tailed Eagle pair were doing the rounds, first sitting out on the gulls islands this morning before being seen heading south and then circling over Brands Bay late afternoon. There were 4 Spoonbill flying around Brands Bay this afternoon and this evening 5 seemed to come down behind Swineham GP. A Spotted Redshank crossed Lytchett Bay this morning and there were 2 Red Kite over Middlebere this afternoon.

Osprey – Middlebere – Kate Plater

Female Northern Wheatear – Holes Bay – Rene Goad

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