
Harbour Update – posted 22/02/21

There was a beautiful adult Little Gull at Swineham this evening and 2 Egyptian Geese too. A Red Kite drifted NE over Alum Chine, Westbourne early afternoon. Hihglights from Middlebere Channel included a female Marsh Harrier, 3 Spoonbill (1 first-winter bird with white colour ring), 17 Grey Plover, 50 Avocet, Shelduck, 7 Curlew and Buzzard. A quiet day for sightings at Holes Bay today with a single Chiffchaff  present at PC World Drain. Two Pintail pairs present from the Stone Bench, 37 Curlew in nearby fields, Water Rail calling in Holes Bay NW and a Kingfisher that dashed across the Bay just before sunrise. Plenty of Poole Town Peregrine activity logged throughout the day, focused around the ASDA highrise.

Little Gull – Swineham – Peter Moore

Dartford Warbler – Holton Lee – Tony Furnell

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