
Harbour Update – posted 22/01/21

A gorgeous January day with the standard mix of recent species observed including 3 Great Northern Diver, 4 Slavonian Grebe, 7 Black-necked Grebe, 4 Long-tailed Duck, 5 Common Scoter and a decent number of Goldeneye and Red-breasted Merganser around the Jerry’s Point area. At Whitley Lake, Sandbanks there were 24 Sanderling, 16 Turnstone, 95 Bar-tailed Godwit, 32 Oystercatcher, 50+ Dark-bellied Brent Geese and 6 Red-breasted Merganser and a Purple Sandpiper was on one the rocky groynes and the Common Sandpiper was seen again at Holes Bay and a Goldeneye was out off the PCW drain entrance.

Also, huge thanks to everyone that contributed towards our Osprey trail cam fundraiser. Today we hit our target of £1500 which will pay for the re-installation of the 5 cameras this spring and the photo packages that will allow us to monitor the other nest platforms around the harbour this spring and summer. Here’s looking forward to 9 weeks time and the first returning Ospreys of 2021! We purposefully left out one of the cameras this winter to see what species use the nest platforms during the colder months and recently the local Ravens have been gearing themselves up for the up and coming breeding season and the local Buzzards have been sunning themselves on there!

Raven and Common Buzzard on Osprey nest platforms in the last week

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