
Harbour Update – posted 21/12/16

The Arne Wednesday walk was productive today, although sadly last weeks Great Grey Shrike didn’t reappear. A male Merlin dashed through Middlebere and 2 Marsh Harrier were out hunting again. From Coombe Fields at Arne c20 Spoonbill were feeding and there were at least c340 Brent Geese and c350 Avocet. Up on Coombe Heath its self, Dartford Warbler and Bullfinch were seen. Out in Shell bay there were singles of Great Northern Diver and Black-necked Grebe. Out in Bramble Bush Bay a good count of 41 Sanderling were noted with 10 Turnstone, 16 Ringed Plover, 2 Goldeneye and a small (but distant) flock of Black-necked Grebe. A late night lamping session saw 9 Woodcock at Arne Farm with 2 new birds ringed and c20 Woodcock seen in the Lower Frome Valley with 3 new birds ringed. Also 2 Jack Snipe were seen. ‘Urban Kingfishers‘ have recently been seen on Poole Park boating lake, along the Holes Bay cycle path, off Poole Quay and in the PC Word Drain.

Kingfisher – Holes Bay – John Pick

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