
Harbour Update – posted 21/11/17

Today a Hoopoe was reported in Upton CP, on the west side of the reserve in trees on the track leading down to Hamworthy. This may seem like an odd record for mid November but back in the winter of 2013/14 one actually over-wintered in Hamworthy, giving many birders the run around for several weeks. Its likely that if re-found the bird will hang around in the general area for a while longer, but like the last one that over-wintered, it could quite literally turn up anywhere. Roadside verges and peoples back gardens were favoured areas last time so keep your eyes peeled. The Hawfinch fest continued with two hanging around Arne Farm for most of the day with another still at French’s Farm, Lytchett Bay. The Spoonbills were roosting at Arne as usual, and Merlin, Marsh Harrier and Hen Harrier were all recorded at Middlebere. 

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