
Harbour Update – posted 21/11/16

The wind blew strong this morning from the east pushing a large feeding flock of likely sinensis (continental) Cormorants into Parkstone Bay which brought with it a big flock of Black-headed Gulls which brought with them, a group of 11 Sandwich Tern. This is a decent early winter count with normally only twos and threes seen in the colder months. Later in the day as the weather deteriorated 4 Sandwich Tern could be found hunkering down out on the playing fields of Baiter with 42 Brent Geese and 4 Rock Pipit. At Littlesea, Studland the Great White Egret was seen briefly and at Lytchett Fields the Lesser Yellowleg a sub-adulat Hen Harrier and 2 Water Pipit were the highlights.  

Greenshank – Holton Lee – Richard Stephenson 

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