
Harbour Update – posted 21/11/15

What started off an exceptionally breezy day, actually turned out to be a beautiful cold crisp winter evening. Bird was made very difficult first thing but around 5000 Wood Pigeons tried their best to migrate across the harbour just after dawn. At Arne a Snow Bunting was reported on Shipstal Beach by 3 people but unfortunately couldn’t be relocated. There were 3 separate Short-eared Owls before dusk with one out hunting on Arne Moors (viewed from up on Slepe Heath), another hunting along the edge of Hartland Moor and a third from the bridge on the Wareham bypass looking west (on the opposite side of the road from where the Red-footed Falcon was earlier in the year. A Great Northern Diver was off Jerry’s point. Hen Harriers were seen from Middlebere, Arne’s new raptor hide and Hartland Moor. Also from Middlebere were 2 Peregrines and a Merlin. At South Haven a hard going vis-mig was tried with the best being 3 Brambling north. 

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