
Harbour Update – posted 21/04/16

Migrants are still trickling through but not in any great numbers. A fine male Whinchat was at Lytchett Fields with 6 Whitethroat and a Red Kite drifted low over the fields. Out in Lytchett Bay there were 2 Whimbrel. At Upton CP 3 Whimbrel were near the stone bench and a female Redstart was in the field behind. At Arne a Redstart, several Whitethroat, 2 Woodlark, Swallows and plenty of Dartford Warbler were present. At Swineham there was single Sedge Warbler with a showy Cetti’s Warbler. At Holton Lee, what was we assume the same Red Kite at the Lytchett Fields bird drifted over the heath, also still Tree Pipit singing, Whitethroat, Woodlark, Dartford Warbler, Chiffchaff and Linnet all out on the heathland. 

Cetti’s Warbler – Swineham – Clive Hargrave


Sedge Warbler – Swineham – Clive Hargrave 


Red Kite – Lytchett Fields – Ian Ballam


Whitethroat – Lytchett Fields – Ian Ballam

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