
Harbour update – posted 21/03/21

The conditions today were much better today, and despite the forecast of low, cold cloud cover all day, the sun did actually come out around lunch time making it actually quite ‘hot’. This prompted numerous reptiles to emerge with quite a few Sand Lizard reported and a few Adders being seen around the Hartland/Middlebere area. Bird-wise though the early spring migrants were no-where to be seen with not a single Wheatear, Sand Martin or Little Ringed Plover reported. A few more Meadow Pipit were on the move and Chiffchaff are now definitely established in many areas. The wind swings round SW this week which could push some more birds our way, and hopefully our first passage Osprey too. There was a single Marsh Harrier in the Wareham Channel and 2 Spoonbill were in Brands Bay.

Sand Lizard – Hartland Moor



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